Friday, July 4, 2008

You know you're a Mom when...

You are at the Hot Air Balloon Fest at 6:30am!!

The Hot Air Balloon Fest is one of the many events of the Freedom Fest that goes on every year here in Provo. It has always been on my list to go, but I, being the morning person that I am (haha yeah right!) end up missing it every year because it goes on way before I want to be up. Every 4th of July for the past 4 years Scott and I say we're going to go, but have never managed to get our lazy butts out of bed. The closest we've ever come is one year waking up just in time to see, from our porch, the last 1 or 2 balloons land. Well I must be a mother because I wasn't sleeping in this year--oh no! Shelby must have been wanting to go too because she woke us both up at 6:10am, for the first time in a long time. Since we were up and at em, I figured we might as well mosey on down to the Balloon Fest and check it out! It wasn't as fun without Scott there (he had to work) but we enjoyed the scenery. And just incase you don't believe that I, Lindsay, sleeper in-er of all sleeper in-ers, was there THAT early, I took pictures to prove it!

This is from the parking lot of our apt on my way to the car.

Up above us at the launch site...

A flattering close up I know, but its the best I could do by myself. Besides its 6:45am,give me some credit :).

I convinced a nice lady to take this one. I was hoping for more balloons in the background but at least she got one--not to shabby.



The Begay Family said...

Lindsay, I STILL can't believe you're a mother!

We were there, too, but we got there when the balloons were already up and most of the crowd were leaving. It would have been great to have run into you. . . .I could have seen your BABY! She looks so much like you husband, and what a cute baby!

Emilee said...

Looks like you had a fun 4th of July, those balloons look cool so early in the morning. Hey sorry I couldn't get with you, McKenna has had the flu and been really sick. We'll have to arrange another time.

Heidi said...

Hey Linds, You were up and at it. I didn't even know there was a balloon launch in Provo. Silly many years did I live there? Good for you to make it this year.

Rebecca said...

I love hot air ballons. I want to go in one very bad. Hopefully one day. Cool that you got to go. Thank you Shelby.