Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fall at UBC

It's seriously crazy how fast 2008 is passing by. I guess that's the case every year, but it seems especially so the last 11 months and 8 days. Fall is almost over and most of the leaves have turned various colors and fallen off already. We wanted to get more pics of our surroundings with all the beautiful colors, but only managed to snap a few here and there. Hopefully there are enough to give you a good idea of what we've been seeing for the last 3 weeks.

Here's a snapshot along 16th Ave where I go walking with my neighbor and friend Hyun-Ju.

Scott on campus near the Asian studies building.

At first Shelby was just loving playing in the leaves, but then her fun quickly turned to curiosity.

She literally tried to digest her new surroundings
and just couldn't get enough of the colorful "candy"
I guess I should've warned her to save room for the real stuff with Halloween just around the corner-oops!


Heidi said...

Sniff...I miss the pretty leaves. OH...and you guys too. :) Shelby is growing so fast. She's almost one! Not fair that she is getting so big.

Emilee said...

Oh those leaves are beautiful! How are things going for you? Do you like it up there? Things are well here and I'm just starting to get excited for ski season, my favorite resort opens up next weekend. :) Tell Scott and Shelby hello!

Mel and Nate said...

Hey Lindsey! I miss having you here so much! It looks like you are having a blast though and it must be so nice living somewhere different that is so beautiful! If you ever make it back to Utah, please call!!! I am sure you have a million people to see but we would love to see you! Shelby is getting cuter all the time! Looking at her makes me so excited to have a girl on the way!

James, Cameo, Jacob, and Eli said...

Wow, those are amazing colors there!! We don't really get Fall in Texas!!